Sunday, March 30, 2014

Chandeliers That Would Make Your House The Coolest

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Chandeliers That Would Make Your House The Coolest

Are you looking for inspiration on how to decorate your house so that anyone that walks in would be amazed? Choose one of these Chandeliers That Would Make Your House The Coolest.

I don’t know what lighting system you currently have in your house, but it is time you change it and buy something awesome. Light is the simplest trick you can use in order to create an interesting atmosphere in a room.

If you think that chandeliers are just for medieval houses and castles, these creative items I will show you will make you want to go and buy one right now.

The chandelier that turns light sources into rainbows Chandeliers That Would Make Your House The Coolest

If you want a warm room with beautiful and glittery atmosphere, choose the Ozero custom-made crystal chandelier.

manooijanosheder4 It is made from tiny crystal pieces suspended by nickel plated rings assembled by hand. Each crystal is so brilliant that it will refract the light into a rainbow of colors spreading inside your room.

The sculptural chandelier that creates a mysterious atmosphere Chandeliers That Would Make Your House The Coolest

HildenDiaz didn’t create just a chandelier, they created a piece of art and they named it Forms in Nature.

At night, when it is turned on, you will feel like you are in one of your childhood stories having to complete the final challenge and walk through the enchanted forest. This is how the artists describe their beautiful work

“Using a simple action, such as intensifying the brightness at the centre of the artwork, the light transforms the space and adds character, such the work throws oversized shadows onto walls and ceilings in the space in which it hangs.”

The surveillance chandelier

Chandeliers That Would Make Your House The Coolest

Combining surveillance with lighting is for sure an interesting idea and we should appreciate how creative designers of Human since 1982 were when they came with this idea.

Each piece if crafted by hand resulting in a dark powder-coated set of surveillance cameras acting as shells for the lights flooding the room.

Each featuring 5 to 6 cameras, the chandeliers can be exhibited in many different commercial or residential spaces.

Windfall crystal chandeliers Chandeliers That Would Make Your House The Coolest

The lighting brand Windfall has some very creative designers that like to take classic structures and add their own modern spin.

Chandeliers That Would Make Your House The Coolest The results are many amazing chandeliers where lighting is not integrated in the chandelier, but they have it lit from above so it becomes almost like jewelry for the lighting.

Chandeliers That Would Make Your House The Coolest

Chandeliers That Would Make Your House The Coolest And there are so many great pieces you can choose from. If you would ask me, the award for most creative lighting figures goes to Windfall.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and I suggest you also check out the Must-Have Trend for a Luxury Bathroom: Steam Shower.

Manuela Florea

A constant seeker of knowledge, trying to undersand each personality she comes in contact with, she believes that creativity is our ultimate gift and that smart living means to make the best out of every life experience you enconter.

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