Sunday, June 15, 2014

10 Most Expensive Animated Movies

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10 Most Expensive Animated Movies

Guess which are the most expensive animated movies?

Lately I have watched a bunch of animated movies with my little cousin and I thought is a good idea for an article!

Just think about how much money the producers invest in movies. When you think about the most expensive movies ever made, you think of Avatar, Pirates of Caribbean and so on. But animated movies tend to be more expensive than those. Why?

Because in the animated films we have the most expensive animated move or because of the studio costs such as electricity, creative facilities, etc.

And in the animated movies there is not only one actor per character but on multiple characters because animated characters require several actors per character.

Plus, the technology is evolving every day and the computer graphics become more expensive. Because they want the animation to be as close as real humans as possible.

For instance, the program they used for Rapunzel’s hair in Tangled, which of course took years to master.

Nowadays more and more famous actors became the voice for our favorite animated movies.

But now, let’s get to the 10 Most Expensive Animated Movies, shall we?

10. Frozen â€" $150 Million

You thought because the movie made so much money it will cost more, right? But no, with only $150 million for the production costs, Frozen broke the billion barrier (the second animated film to do that after Toy Story 3).

Another cool fact about it is that it was Disney’s 53rd animated film and was based of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen.

The film won two Oscars, The best Animated Feature Film and Best Original Song. It is believed and rumored to become a Broadway musical.

Directed by: Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee. Voiced by: Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff.

Story line: “Fearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoff in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter.”

10 Most Expensive Animated Movies

10 Most Expensive Animated Movies | 10. Frozen â€" $150 Million

Sherk must save someone, again â€">
NEXT: 9- Shrek the Third

Gabriela Nita

Gabriela is the name| Determined Dreamer| Future Programmer|Coffee Drinker| Writer| Blogger| A Human. Being|

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